Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Same Ole! Same Ole!

Hey fam and friends! 

How's it going? I hope you're all happy and healthy and that you had an amazing week!

I really don't know what to say this week. It's been the same as the past two: still sick :/ We are slowly getting back into the work, and we actually got in to see a doctor, so that should help. Sad it took 3 weeks, but maybe we'll get better before 4!

This week I've again had a lot of time to think and ponder. My companion and I have gotten out a little bit, and we've been able to visit some of our friends and some amazing members! 

We actually made two new friends this week without any work on our part. Our Zone Leaders went knocking in our area since we haven't been able to go. They found us a new friend!! Her name is Aprica and we're hoping to visit her this week.

The other friend came when we were trying to get in contact with our other friend. She's his sister and she loved the Spirit we brought last time we visited! She's another we're hoping to visit this week!

We had zone conference, and that was amazing! Our mission president talked about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and showed us a video of the training that the guards who protect it have to go through. Basically, they expect nothing less than perfection. 

It was amazing to see their dedication to their purpose and how much they cared about even the slightest error. Their uniforms have to be literally perfect. There was this tiny little thread that they burned away since it was an imperfection. 

Of course, our Heavenly Father asks us to be perfect. However, He's had to work with imperfect people since Adam and Eve. I've been trying to be nicer to myself because even though we as missionaries hold ourselves to higher standards and even though Heavenly Father asks us to be perfect, He also asks us to love our neighbor as ourselves!

I came away from that zone conference so motivated to do better and I'm excited to get back to work! And part of my improvement is being confident in myself, in my message, and my BINGS. I think Elder Holland says it best in his conference talk titled "Lord, I Believe." I invite you all to listen to it and to be confident in your testimony and in the promptings that the Spirit gives you.

Love you all!!


<3 Sister Davis


  • Crazy wax lips from my mom
  • Jesus pictures
  • Making banana bread (seriously love it. It's so good!)


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Late night ER trips and early morning temple trips

Hi family!! How's it going?

Things are looking up in Tacoma! The sun is out today, and we got to go to the temple this morning! I'm definitely grateful for temples because, this morning, it took us an hour and a half to get there! Apparently, 7 AM is the 4 o'clock rush hour in washington.

It was so nice getting to the temple today! When I first saw it, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of love and home. It is the house of the Lord, and I love being there!

Yesterday was our first day out and about as missionaries! We took it kinda slow since my comp is still on the recovery, but we had a lesson with our friend Travis, who's actually already a member! We're helping him come back to church! He's super elect and I think I've talked about him before! We also had a lesson with our friend Jessie, and I just love her so much. She knows everything and she's so ready to be baptized. 

Other than that, I don't have much to share. We rested a lot this week, especially after going to the ER late Friday night... My comp had a really bad coughing fit, and she couldn't breathe, so we ended up at Urgent Care. We went in at 10:30 PM and didn’t really come home until 1:30. But she's doing much better, so thank you for all your prayers!

Also, thank you for all the emails! It means a lot! They've kept me company this week, and I'm so grateful! Keep 'em coming!

I don't really have a spiritual thought except that I love the temple so so much, and that our Savior is always here for us. I've truly come to rely on Him this week throughout all the craziness. He's there for me, and He's there for you. Every time I think about Him, I'm overwhelmed with love and gratitude. He's our Savior and our best friend. Don't be hesitant to ask Him for help!

Love you all. And see you next week!

<3 Sister Davis

1. Us at the temple this morning
2. a cool bird puzzle from a lady in our ward 
(sorry, but much more enjoyable than that Christ puzzle. Finished it in an hour!)
3. Christ praying with the Nephites
4. Christ's resurrection


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year!!!!

Hi family!! I love and miss you all! I hope you had an amazing week and that you were able to start off the new year strong!

This week has been another crazy one, like always. We got sick this week, so we didn't do a lot of missionary work, but I was able to do a lot of studying and pondering. My goal was to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year, and I did it! I'd fallen behind, but I managed to finish early! I teased my companion that she got sick because I asked Heavenly Father for more time so I could complete it... So sorry, Sister Golding.

But it was actually really cool because I was able to act on Moroni's invitation and ask Heavenly Father if the Book of Mormon is not true. I've read it before and I knew it was true, but I hadn't actually knelt and asked yet. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father answers prayers, and I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. I know it's true. I know Jesus Christ came and ministered to the Nephites. I'm so grateful for those prophets who carved the letters into metal and for Heavenly Father for preserving the plates and for Joseph Smith for being so willing and determined to obey His commandments. I love the Book of Mormon! I actually painted my copy! I've never done it before so please don't judge too harshly😂

My mom gave me a puzzle for Christmas, and that's what I've been working on a lot this week when I haven't been reading my Book of Mormon. It's the picture of Christ called "Prince of Peace." I'm not a big fan of puzzles, so I'm not sure why I'm torturing myself with it. It's one of those puzzles where the pieces are the same shape and the same color and they fit in places where they aren't supposed to fit! When I found Jesus's nose, I yelled "Got your konk!" ..... yeah.

But I've actually realized something cool from this puzzle. The only way I've been able to make any progress with it is if I focus on Christ first. The background is too difficult, so I focus on Him. It's really a unique way to learn that the only way we're going to get through this difficult life is if we focus on Christ. I'm grateful that He guided my mind away from "got your konk" to more spiritual matters and that He taught me this lesson.

Another thing I've learned this week is that "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which He commandeth them." Our Heavenly Father asks us to do things that might be hard - like staying off your phone while sleeps all day - but He will help us as we do as He asks. He won't abandon us. He's there, even when we don't feel Him, and sometimes that means He comes in the form of others or an idea of something else to do. I know that this is true, and I'm grateful for this lesson too! I'm sure I'll have to be taught it again sometime, but I will remember it!

I'm sure there's more that I've learned, but I can't think of anything else at this moment. I accidentally drugged Sister Golding. Apparently, she was really out of it. I offered her some Benadryl, and she took it and it knocked her out all day. When she came out of the room at like 5 o'clock, she asked what in the world I gave her... oops. It was the right dosage, so I guess she really needed the sleep.

Last night, we had a silly string fight. We were saving it for the other sisters, but we were bored, and it was just sitting there, waiting to be used. I started it... :)) 

I've had a lot of time to think this week, and although it was hard at times, I'm grateful for it. I'm excited to get back to work though! Please send prayers for us! and emails. I'd love to hear from you! I could use some family. I miss you all.

<3 Sister Davis

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Y'all, this week has been crazy.

Highlight of the week: Christmas!
   Christmas was amazing. It was kinda hard being away from home, but we spent the day visiting members and talking about Jesus Christ. The Spirit was so strong, and I loved being able to share that joy with others. Thank you so so much to all of you who messaged, emailed, or sent cards and gifts! I love you all!!!
   I remember one year for Christmas, Seth and I ran down stairs and we were so excited to open presents. I remember the disappointment when mom and dad told us to go get our scriptures. We read Luke 2 as a family, and it really rought a stillness into our home. At least, i'm sure it did. I don't remember how many times we did this, but I got to share this tradition with the members here in Washington. It was amazing. The story of the nativity scene is a powerful one, and I'd encourage you to read Luke 2 if you didn't get a chance this Christmas!
   But on to other things! Like I said, this week was crazy. We had an ice storm, and literally everything was frozen. Our mission president decided it was too dangerous to drive, so we walked everywhere. We bundled up real tight and prayed that we wouldn't freeze to death.
   And we didn't! If anything, it was super fun! At the stop lights, we'd hurry across the streets and you know where that yellow thingy is on the other side and how it slopes up? It was completely iced over, and we almost slid back into traffic.
   We were laughing so hard at ourselves, and I'm sure the people driving pass had a good laugh too.
   Luckily, I didn't fall... Until we got back to the apartment. It was dark, so we were inside, and my companion said that she could do a handstand for 7 minutes against the wall. I pridefully said that that was easy and went to prove it to her.
   My arms gave out before my feet got over my head. I ended up twisting my ankle the tiniest bit, so that was fun!
   and then yesterday, we went out to find some inactive members. We talked to this man for a little bit, found out he wasn't the member we were looking for and that he wasn't interested, so I turned around to leave.
   My ankle gave out right as i took the first step, and I fell down the stairs. I landed on my knees and just lowered my head in embarrassment and just tried not to cry. 
   My companion thought I was praying, so she didn't know what on earth happened. Then I started laughing, and it was just so embarrassing. but the man still didn't let us in :/
   Hopefully this email isn't getting too long, but that's about all i can remember from this week.
   I've been thinking a lot about goals and trying to change my mindset about them. I've never really felt motivated or satisfied by a goal, and goals are big in the mission.
   As I've been pondering, I've realized that my goals were stumbling blocks. For example, before my mission, my goal was to get better at saying my prayers every night. And I was so bad at it. I had this stumbling block in my mind where I had to pray vocally and on my knees. If I didn't, I wasn't really praying, and I felt so much guilt for not wanting to get out of bed and pray.
   It was kinda sad. Now i know the truth. As a missionary, I've learned that it doesn't matter so much if you're on your knees. Of course, we should kneel if we get the chance, but we pray in the car, at the door, in bed. Our Father just wants to hear from us. It doesn't matter how we do it as long as it's humble and sincere.
   I'm grateful for that knowledge, and I know longer am going to let the fact that I don't want to get out of bed keep me from praying. I mean, how silly is that? That's just Satan winning. I don't want to let him win.
   Anyways... I've come to realize that our Father loves effort both big and small. No sacrifice goes unnoticed. No prayer goes unheard. I'm grateful for that knowledge, and I'm grateful that I get to share it with my friends.
   There's this talk that illustrates what I'm trying to say. I'll attach the link, but basically, you are enough. The Lord sees and is proud of your efforts. Don't let Satan weigh you down and make you think you're not enough. Christ was born for you. He died for you. Please don't let the accuser make you think otherwise. 

   If you made it this far, congratulations. That's my spiritual rant for today. Sorry its a long one.
   I love you all. Jesus loves you all. Our Father in Heaven loves you all. Keep smiling. Heaven smiles back when you smile. 

"Whenever the adversary cannot persuade imperfect yet striving Saints such as you to abandon your belief in a personal and loving God, he employs a vicious campaign to put as much distance as possible between you and God. The adversary knows that faith in Christ—the kind of faith that produces a steady stream of tender mercies and even mighty miracles—goes hand in hand with a personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right. For that reason he will seek access to your heart to tell you lies—lies that Heavenly Father is disappointed in you, that the Atonement is beyond your reach, that there is no point in even trying, that everyone else is better than you, that you are unworthy, and a thousand variations of that same evil theme.
I testify of a loving Savior who expects us to live the commandments. I testify of a loving Savior who is so very anxious to bestow His grace and mercy. I testify of a loving Savior who rejoices when we apply His Atonement daily with the calm and happy assurance that we are facing in the right direction. I testify of a loving Savior who is anxious for your “confidence [to] wax strong in the presence of God” (D&C 121:45)."

Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence

<3 Sister Davis

They're out of order so I ain't gonna try.




Tuesday, December 20, 2022

God is Good! & Merry Christmas!!

Heyy family and friends!!

I miss you all and hope your so so excited for Christmas! I'm excited. Our mission president let us take our Christmas gifts, but he made us promise we wouldn't open them before Christmas. We'll see what happens...
But yeah! I'm super excited! We have lots of member visits lined up and the ward is so excited to support us! 
We had a Christmas devotional yesterday, which was amazing. It was with a few different zones, and they basically walked through the nativity story with hymns and musical numbers.
I may or may not have had to sing over the pulpit, but we don't need to talk about that. Let's just say I threw a couple glares at the AP (assistant to the president) who asked me... My companion said it sounded good, and I'm trying to trust her so yeah!
Speaking of companion... I got my new companion! She's  the sweetest! I love her so much!! Her name is Sister Golding, and she's actually a Nauvoo missionary. She spent six months giving tours at the historical sites and then 6 months here proselyting, and then she goes back for the last six months.
She's amazing! I just love her to death. She was cold the other night, so I ran around the apartment, collecting all the blankets we had around the apartment and then tucked her in and wrapped her up like a burrito. It was pretty funny. So, if I can be silly like that, that says how much I love her!
We're actually ad response right now, which means we get to run the Come Unto Christ in South Hill page - you should follow it if you get the chance ;) - and it actually kinda stinks. I don't like facebook work, but the Lord knew that and is excited to change my mind.
Which brings me to my spiritual thought: God answers prayers. He does! I can promise you that.
I've been praying for amazing companions, for companions that fill the relationships I've been missing, and God is so good to me. He gave me Sister Williams, and I can't help but compare her to my sister. He gave me Sister Golding, and I can't help but thank Him for giving me another sister. I'm filled with gratitude, because He knows what's best for me.
Last transfer, I doubted whether I could do this for 18 months. I was praying for a greater love for the work, for greater joy, for the faith and strength to do this. Then he gave me Sister Golding, and I don't think she realizes how much of an answer to my prayer she is. She says if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong, and I am so grateful for her!
God is so good. He loves us so much, and I love Him. I'm grateful for Him, and for my Savior. There are many other prayers He's answered, but those are the ones that are on my mind at the moment.
Alma 37:37
"Counsel with the Lord in all they doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day."
Love you all!!!!

1) My new zone at Stake Presidents house
2) Sister Golding and I
3) He is with us as we pray!
4) Love this one!
5) Us with Stake Presidents daughter, Katie

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

And then there was one...

Good morning!!!!

Hi everybody! How's it going?
This week was something else. First of all, transfers are tomorrow, and I get to meet my new companion! I'm staying in my area, and I hear she's amazing, so I'm excited! Her name is Sister Goulding! But there's four sisters in my apartment, and they're all leaving me... It'll be fun!! so that's why the subject line.
I was also sick these past few days, so that's been fun too! Basically, when you're sick as a missionary and have no energy, all you do is sleep, read your scriptures, and journal. I was half way through Mosiah, and now I'm almost done with Alma, which is awesome!
But yeah, I'm feeling much better now, especially after taking a four hour nap the other day... Being sick as a missionary is not fun.
I kinda can't remember anything from this week... haha
We gave a church tour to our friend who wants to come back to church, which was awesome! He hasn't been to church in over 30 years, and he's been wanting to come back for two years (have I already talked about him?)
So yeah, we gave him a church tour, and we pointed out all the pictures in the building. There was one that was Christ suffering in Gethsemane. It was an amazing experience, and I got to testify of the love Christ has for him and of the power of the Atonement.
We had the ward Christmas party this last week, which was fun. We made cinnamon rolls for a contest, and umm, well yeah. We were very limited on supplies and time, so we have an excuse as to why they were kind of not good, but it was fun!
It was a good week! Different for sure, but still filled with miracles and tender mercies. 
I'm grateful for this Gospel. I'm grateful for my Savior. I've been thinking a lot about that scripture from the Book of Mormon that says "consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God."
We are blessed. So blessed. I didn't realize how much so until I left Utah. We are blessed with both temporal and spiritual blessings! I can't even count all my blessings. I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude.

i love you all!!
  Sister Davis

1) my zone

2) rolling out cinnamon rolls with a Martinelli's bottle
3) Mosiah 2: 41

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Trust in your BINGs!

This week was pretty amazing!!

We had Stake Conference last Sunday, and President Oaks's son lives in our Stake! My trainer introduced me to him! He likes telling us stories about his dad and they're so funny! He's really nice!
During Stake conference, our mission president, President Metts, called out my trainer and told the whole stake how she's leaving soon, which was hilarious!
Every morning, each companionship in our zone sends in a 9:50, which is basically a couple things we'd like everyone to pray for. At 9:50 am, everyone prays and asks for the things we asked for, things like "please pray that we can make two new friends today."
It works!!!!
One day, my companion asked that everyone we contacted would be home that day, and LITERALLY everyone was home!! About half way through, I was like man, we've talked to a lot of people. I'm exhausted. I kept wondering why we were meeting so many people, and then I remembered our 9:50!
Then yesterday, we prayed that we could help 2 new people progress on the covenant path, and we did!! One is an inactive member, and he wants to come back to church! We're the first missionaries he's let in in over 20 years, and he's recently been trying to get back! It's amazing!! He has faith and a desire, it's just helping him get there!
Okay so the spiritual reminder that I set for myself this week and the one I'd like to set for you all is to trust in the Spirit.

In D&C 11:12-13, it says:
12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;

As I've worked to understand how the Spirit speaks to me, I've also done my best to trust it!
I told y'all about BINGS, but I didn't explain it very well. This is what it stands for!
Usually, a Bing is the first thought that comes into your head, and every thought after that is from the devil trying to convince you that was a crazy idea, or that you don't need to do that, or that that person is probably fine.
Trust in the Spirit! It's been hard because sometimes the Spirit tells us to do things that are outside the norm, but we are a peculiar people! Our prophet had told us to stand out, to be weird! Act on that prompting, and I promise you'll be blessed with greater joy, just as that scripture promises. 
I've been working on this, and I invite you all to join me! Act on that first Bing, and don't listen to all that discouragement that comes right after it.
I'd love to hear your experiences when it comes to following Bings! If you think of any or experience any this week as you try to join me, let me know!

I love you all, and I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost! Have an amazing week!!!

(Also, I didn't take any pictures this week... so here's a Christ picture)